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Swiss QR Bill Module For Perfex CRM

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Introducing Swiss QR Bill Module – Full Compliance With Swiss Companies & Clients Payment Processes for Perfex CRM .

The future of payments has begun in Switzerland with the introduction of the QR bill. The first usage of the Swiss QR bill was possible on the 30th of June 2020. Afterward, the red (IS) and orange (ISR) payment slips were gradually phased out during a 2-year period until they were completely replaced by the QR bill on the 1st of October 2022. From that moment on, all invoices are obliged to contain a QR code scannable by the recipient’s smartphone, PC camera, or a special scanner to perform a payment. It simplifies payments, provides extra security, and reduces payment errors.

All domestic and foreign companies that collaborate with Swiss companies should be able to receive (accounts payable) or send (accounts receivable) a QR code.

The Swiss QR code can be recognized by the Swiss cross in the middle. The QR code is suitable for EUROS and Swiss Francs.

This digital transition will modernize the Swiss payment method and includes certain advantages like:

  • One QR code for all types of payment and reference.
  • Data digitalized for more efficient processing and monitoring of payments.
  • Better data quality thanks to more precise information in a standardized form.
  • Payment references automated end to end, from initiating party to the recipient.
  • Recipients have fewer reading errors and less manual work.
  • Issuers also have less manual work, and all payment information is transferred electronically.
  • Finally, the Swiss QR-bill bridges the digital and paper-based world, and the new infrastructure for electronic invoices will ensure a seamless digital payment experience.

QR Bill – Admin Side

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QR Bill – Client Side

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QR Bill

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QR Bill Settings

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URLEmailPassword[email protected]lenzcreative123321
  1. Login to Perfex CRM
  2. Goto Module > Installed Addons
  3. Select
  4. Click “install” button to complete the installation.
  5. Done & Enjoy.

This module has been meticulously crafted by highly experienced Perfex Developers. You can expect clean code, robust functionalities, and seamless integration with Perfex CRM, completely independent of the core framework.


Version 1.0.0 01.05.2024

Initial version
Lenzcreative Team
Lenzcreative Team
Software development company providing software solutions for clients worldwide. With special expertise in custom software development, Lenzcreative provides specialized products, website & mobile development, e-commerce, UX/UI design, dedicated teams, and custom software solutions.

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